Our institute in comics at Utopiales!
Du 30 octobre 2024 au 03 novembre 2024false false
The 2024 edition of the Utopiales science-fiction festival took place from October 30 to November 3. For us, this edition had a very special flavor, as l'institut thorax was the subject of a large-format comic strip!
Inserm chose our institute to host Anne-Perrine Couët, a freelance comic strip author and illustrator, for a creative residency. This residency is part of the Bulles d'Inserm project, funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French National Research Agency) to "support the implementation of scientific communication, mediation and promotion initiatives for research projects".
Last July, Anne-Perrine spent a week in our laboratory, and a day at the hospital. The result is a 10-panel comic strip, in which the illustrator's eye enables the general public to discover our laboratory and clinical departments, and the diversity and complexity of our work.
Last July, Anne-Perrine spent a week in our laboratory, and a day at the hospital. The result is a 10-panel comic strip, in which the illustrator's eye enables the general public to discover our laboratory and clinical departments, and the diversity and complexity of our work.
Mis à jour le 05 novembre 2024.