Training at l'institut du thorax

L'institut du thorax is a key player in translational research on cardiovascular, metabolic and pulmonary diseases.

L'institut has developed a clinical platform dedicated to the genetics of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases as well as a fundamental research unit offering in-depth knowledge of molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways.

The strength of our teams lies in collaborations between physicians, geneticists and cellular and/or animal physiologists.

Our discoveries are based on the development of innovative approaches (epidemiology, genomics, bioinformatics, nanovectors, iPS cells, etc.) and on our expertise in cell and molecular biology, integrated physiology, epidemiology and clinical research.

L'institut du thorax is one of the few structures that combines all these skills on a single site, making it an ideal training ground for Bachelor, Master and PhD students.

Each year, we welcome on average 25 master 2 students (MSc), and 9 students obtain their doctorate degree (PhD).

Graduate Programme InnoCARE - Innovation for CArdiovascular, metabolic and REspiratory diseases - Master’s degree of Nantes Université

The GP InnoCARE is an interdisciplinary training programme that offers a choice of training in experimental research, data analysis or clinical research. InnoCARE brings together students with various backgrounds (scientists, health professionals, engineers, etc.).

This programme benefits from the expertise of research unit and the Clinical Investigation Centre (CIC) of the institut du Thorax. It is based on an integrative and translational vision of cardiovascular, metabolic and respiratory diseases, both in care structures and in the laboratory.

At the institut du Thorax, researchers, engineers, clinicians and clinical research professionals work together to diagnose, understand, prevent and treat these diseases. Throughout the training, InnoCARE students will be formed in the various innovative approaches including genomics, the generation of cellular or animal models for the study of pathologies, the identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets and the development of innovative treatments.

Cardiovascular, metabolic and respiratory diseases are the major causes of death worldwide. The opportunities for academic, industrial and clinical careers are significant. The professional development of each student is placed at the heart of our GP's educational objective.
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Doctoral Training

The research unit of l'institut du thorax welcomes and supervises an average of 25 PhD students from the Doctoral School of Biology and Health at Nantes Université.
Each PhD student is attached to a laboratory, called a "research unit". This is the place where the doctoral student works during his thesis.
The Thesis Director directs and supervises the doctoral student's thesis work, is part of the research unit and holds an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches).

The thesis defense is one of the highlights of each student's doctoral project. It is also a time to share with colleagues and family members who support students.

From the start of the 2018-2019 academic year, the unit sets up a doctoral student mentoring programme in order to offer full support to the PhD student throughout the thesis (pedagogical follow-up and support in his professional project). Each doctoral student will be accompanied throughout his thesis by:

  •     his thesis director (and co-supervisors)
  •     a mentor, at the PhD student's choice, from among the members of the laboratory.

Innovative training courses

Researchers in biology/health at SFR-Santé, which includes our research unit, have designed and put online open access digital tools to provide answers, share their knowledge about stem cells and show through these examples how science in biology/health is produced in laboratories.


Researchers explain everything about stem cells from the beginning and offer you an introduction to the scientific process.


A digital encyclopedia of some sixty resources on stem cells (in french). A "Team" section gives the floor to 8 professionals. They explain their approach, their work, their expectations and those of the patients.

MOOC - online training

Follow a complete stem cell education program for seven weeks (upon registration according to the session schedule).
Mis à jour le 19 février 2024.