GenoA facility (Genomics Atlantic)

GenoA core facility specialized in the fields of Genomics and High-throughput Sequencing is opened to the scientific community, including academic laboratories, hospital services and private companies.

Two types of services are proposed:

  • Access to Genomics wet lab Equipment: its use includes training and technical support by the staff, if required. Requests for initial training can be made on web site
  • Genomics Projects support:
    • Libraries construction from nucleic acid for high-throughput sequencing (whole genome), for transcriptomic analysis (RNAsequencing, 3’RNA Sequencing Profiling), for microbiote analysis (16S V3-V4, Shotgun metagenomics)
    • Ready-to-use high-throughput sequencing from your own libraries

Primary analysis in collaboration with BiRD core facility is proposed for transcriptomic analysis and 16S analysis.

All project requests are discussed with the project leader and his collaborators, in order to establish a commitment form in which the specifications are described, as well as the terms of delivery of the results and the deadline for the service.

GenoA is a member of the Federative Research Structure François Bonamy (SFR Santé) and of Biogenouest Génomique interregional network and is part of France Genomique national network of genomics platforms.


Lead scientists : Julien Barc
Technical manager : Marine Cornec
Staff :
Charlène Besnard
Audrey Donnart

Contact :
Mis à jour le 18 juillet 2024.